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Contemporary, Functional Ceramic Art Collection
My drive to make functional pots comes from a deep admiration and reverence for the abundance of nature. I rely on the role of pots as vehicles for nourishment and their place as everyday objects in our homes. Through each piece I quietly and somewhat subversively, convey my interest in the complex systems of culture, ethics, commerce, history, ritual, community and environment found within the realm of food production. This web of systems serves as the foundation of influences for my practice.
The formal language of my work is rooted in function and based on growth patterns of nature. Each surface pays homage to the origins of food and systems of production. Backgrounds of abstracted imagery, often crop fields or plow rows create landscape for handmade stamps and mono-print transferred drawings to occupy the foreground. These images are inspired by personal experiences in gardens and farms, as well as botanical and scientific illustrations from vintage seed catalogs and packets.
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